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About myself 


     I have always felt that horses were majestic creatures.  How they can breathe life into us. How a single look can be chastising.  How they can carry us every day while we struggle to even be aware of our energy and balance.  There is something about a horse that makes my heart sing.  Each horse carries its own special melody that resonates within each team of rider and horse.  Some days I feel as if I’m a stuffed monkey with clanging cymbals, Other days I feel like I have just ridden the melody of Bach - Cello Suite No. 1. 


     “Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart.

Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” ~ Carl Jung 

This is one of my favorite quotes by Carl Jung.  It describes so perfectly how I see the path to becoming a good leader, friend, and partner to my horse.  It is so common that what holds us back is our own ability to muddle the deep truths within ourselves.  The horse always sees these truths.  The horse has an uncanny ability to drag out our secret feelings, our secret hopes and most guarded insecurities.  To reveal to us what is deep within, waiting to bloom.

It is my passion to see the inside of the horse.  To see what is inside, waiting to blossom.  It is not enough to only show the horse it’s inherent abilities, but also to help the rider, in any way that I can.

To be able to help them see their own potential and help support them blooming together.

Within each person there is a deep stillness.  A deep well of who they are.  This is what I want to stir up within each student, each horse.  This is what makes a ride beautiful.  Not the ribbons on the wall.  Not the glory of the audience. It's the quiet dance, in balance, in stillness and with the approval of the horse.  As a trainer and coach, these are my goals for you and your horse.  IF it leads to someone joyously winning a gold medal or simply feeling deep happiness on a trail then I have done my job.  


To ride your horse into soundness each and every ride, should be the first goal of any rider.  ~ Sarah Orloff


Sarah’s Education and Knowledge base.


      As a preteen she worked off lessons at a Hunter/Jumper barn.  She remembers doing tempi changes on one of the school masters and in that moment, without realizing it, she’d fallen in love with technical riding. 


     As an adult, Sarah desperately missed having horses and decided to go out and get herself a horse.  This was the start of a new path.  From that point forward Sarah has been dedicating her time and efforts to this passion.  


     She enrolled in schooling with Bridgecreek School of Massage where she attained both her Beginners and Advanced certifications in Equine Sports Massage Therapy.  These courses included a multitude of Massage Modalities, BioMechanics, Saddle Fitting, Hoof Care, Nutrition, and Tincture making.  A couple years later she had the privilege to attend Dr Deb Bennett’s Equine Anatomy Dissection and Biomechanics Course. This introduced her to some of the old great horsemen and their philosophies of horsemanship as well as how horses actually work from the inside out. It was a fascinating point in her education.   A few years later Sarah wanted to explore energy work/pathways.  In the years of bodywork she had come to find that so much trauma was helped/healed with energy work.  So she entered into a rigorous course through Tallgrass Animal Acupressure Institute where she earned her certificates in TCM and as and Equine Acupressure Practitioner. Through all of this time Sarah started to develop a unique way of stretching horses.  She labeled this technique TSR - Therapeutic Stretch and Release.  Through this work, she has been able to rehabilitate many horses, both physically and mentally.  


     Sarah and her family bought a property in Stayton, OR, and decided to board horses.  As her horse boarding facility (MoSa Ranch) grew, she started taking on rehabilitation cases for clients. At this point Sarah’s farrier had been teaching her how to trim her own horses and had been strongly suggesting that she pick up hoof care as a career.  So in her unyielding need for more knowledge, she decided to apprentice with Phil Smith of Sporthorse Shoeing, who at the time was the only L4 (certified lameness specialist) from E.L.P.O.  From then on out, Sarah built a trimming business alongside her bodywork business as the two went hand in hand.

     Woven through this timeline, Sarah had been a working student for Terraka Mishler, then went on to take lessons with Carolyn Eddy.   She continued on to school with Pippa Callanan and a year-long course in Straightness Training Academy was underway as well as becoming a certified PEMF BEMER blanket distributor.  Sarah is currently schooling under the wonderful and in-depth Carol Lynn Mc Ardle. 


     Some of Sarah’s mentors that she studies/follows are Philip Karl, Nuno Oliveira, Buck Brannaman, Sally Swift, Nancy S Loving DVM, Monty Roberts, Science of Motion Jean Luc Cornille Maitre, Clinton Anderson, Evidence-Based Horsemanship, Rolf Janzen, and Carlos Carneiro.


     Sarah is currently growing her training business and her own knowledge base for the betterment and improvement of anyone who desires a more sound and balanced horse. Sarah is also an avid trail rider and believes that all horses should enjoy and benefit from cross training.  She has worked with a wide range of riders, from endurance riders, upper-level dressage riders, pleasure riders, cutters, and hunter/jumpers. While her passion is Classical Dressage, her methods cross all disciplines and are foundational education for any and all riders/horses.  


Since I was a young child watching my first dressage demonstration, I knew one day I wanted to learn the art and I am very thankful that I found Sarah and her training facility. Sarah is a wonderful and encouraging trainer. I have been taking lesson with her, over a month now and the transformation in my pony and myself is so exciting. From my first lesson she recognized my pony's weaknesses with his left hind leg, and how he tends to go on his forehand plus other things. She proposed a plan on how to help him gain strength in those areas with some simple exercises at first to more demanding exercises as he gains more strength.


As of right now some of these suppling exercises have been shoulder-in, traver, renver, counter bends, transitions, etc.. With her instructions I am able to ask for these maneuvers in a fun way and now I am able to feel when it is correct. With over a month into lessons I have notice a big change in how he moves, stands, his flexibility and strength. With myself Sarah has really helped me notice when I need to lengthen and not collapse and how to use by body with simple shifts of weight. By becoming aware of my weaknesses and then changing my body, my horse immediately responses for the better. I am truly amazed at each lesson and how we have greatly improved in such a short time.


As a western rider that also sorts, cuts cows, ropes, and plans to compete in other ranch events, learning dressage has helped us tremendously. You would not think that these two discipline would work together but the absolutely do. When I am practicing my western events I have noticed a great change on how he carries himself, moves off his hind end and picks up his shoulders. With the combination of my wonderful western trainer and now with my wonderful dressage trainer - Sarah, it has been a great fit. They both speak the same language and I get very excited when they both point out my weaknesses. It has really helped me stop some bad habits.


I am planning on purchasing a dressage saddle in the near future and with the help of Sarah, I would like to compete one day. Not with the mind set of winning but with the mindset of using the show as a baseline to find out what we need to work on, so we can become a seamless partner. I highly recommend Sarah for your dressage journey. You will not be disappointed.


~ J.T.



I would like to share my extreme happiness with the recent 30 day training of my horse Remington AKA Mr. macho: to say I am happy is an understatement. Sarah has transformed my lanky Arab into a nicely muscled - better balanced - level headed partner. I didn't know that horse was in there!!

I went to Sarah because I needed an experienced trainer to help Remington learn how to use his body correctly - he was at times like riding a teetering pogo-stick - unbalanced and very heavy on the front end.


I watched Sarah transform Remington week-by-week. Sarah didn't just ride my horse and teach him how to move correctly- she helped the "whole" horse by also helping me with improving his nutritional needs. She made some great recommendations and was considerate of what I could manage with two horses.


I must say I am MOST impressed with her recommendation to use EquinityXL.. the second big change was the feeding of Alfalfa - something I had always skimped on. I have seen great improvements with his mind, not just his physical changes. He really became MORE RELAXED and focused.. it truly is amazing.

Over the 30 day period she really had to start at the beginning with him - I had allowed some bad habits to develop in order for him to just move down the trail. You don't know what you don't know - well till you know ... She began rebuilding the topline and helped him use his neck correctly.. she helped him open up his shoulders and widen his front legs (chest) - this was incredible to see - I literally noticed a visible widening with his chest. And he has a great stand now - not with his hind tucked under him but in line with his rump.

I can continue with each detail but Sarah does a much better job explaining what she helped him through... she developed a step-by-step plan for us to work on and I have been doing some learning of my own. I have had some very successful arena rides which is unheard of for me lol. I am enjoying riding and doing the exercises - I definitely can tell my horse has learned a great deal from Sarah's training... but we are not done.. I am so impressed that I signed up for another 30 day training... I can't wait to see what she does in the next 30 days!!


I HIGHLY recommend Sarah's training and knowledge. She cares about the overall health of the horse not just teaching the horse to be in collection etc. She has a wide range of knowledge about the whole horse and has a lot to offer you and your horse.



I am so thankful that I found Sarah! She has helped my mare tremendously, she has a whole new mindset And I have a better understanding as to what she needs from me. It is a night and day difference in less than two weeks. Thank you Sarah for giving us your best! Such a welcoming environment.



Sarah has a unique ability to combine elements of classical dressage with a very in depth understanding of biomechanics with her background in massage therapy for horses. She is an excellent rider and works with the whole horse. Not just the under saddle bits. Highly recommend!



It is obviously talking with Sarah Orloff that she really knows a great deal and looks at the horse holistically. That said, the real proof is how happy Regalo de Gran Corazon, Kiger Stallion is when Sarah is working on him and how nicely he moves. So glad we found Sarah.

Amazing results


Sarah has a wonderful way with horses, knowledgeable, and dedicated. She is very thorough. Lexi loves her massages, and always moves better after a session with Sarah.




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